Ledaig Distillery - Cask Spirits Global

About Ledaig Distillery

The distillery was eventually revived, but went through numerous closures, re-openings and transformations throughout the 20th century including a bankruptcy in 1972, a revival as a set of holiday lets in 1982 and a storage site for cheese production.
Today, the name is used to signify the peated, or smoky, spirit which runs from the stills at the Tobermory Distillery, which it was renamed to in 1979. For six months of the year, owner Burn Stewart Distillers – who took over in 1993 and saved the site from certain demolition – produce a smoky style of whisky. In 2007, they launched this whisky officially as Ledaig, in honour of the distillery’s original name. The rest of the spirit goes into the production of Tobermory single malt.


Country Scotland, United Kingdom
Region Highland
Established 1798
Owner Distell
Number of Stills 4 wash, 4 spirit
Visitor Centre Yes
Status Active
Website tobermorydistillery.com